

知名电影评论人周黎明携英籍外专Andrew Graham及马来西亚籍外专Valerie Ng为大家奉上《中国日报》版《甄嬛传》热门台词的英文翻译,
小主 Your ladyship,雨露 royal honeydew,娘娘 Your royal highness,奴才 Your unworthy servant,矫情That bitch!
1. 娘娘容不容的下臣妾,是娘娘的气度。能不能让娘娘容得下,是嫔妾的本事。(甄嬛)
Whether you can tolerate me depends on your generosity. Whether I can be tolerated is up to me.
2. 在这后宫中想要升就必须猜得中皇上的心思。若想要活,就要猜得中其他女人的心思。(甄嬛)
To rise, you need to know the Emperor’s mind. To survive, you need to guess the other women’s mind.
3. 以色事人,能得几时好?(甄嬛)
One who savors seduction, won’t last.
4. 在这宫里,有利用价值的人才能活下去。要安于被人利用,才有机会去利用别人。(浣碧)
In the palace, if you have ability, you survive. If you survive being used, then you will have the chance to take advantage of others.
5. 再冷也不能拿别人的血来暖自己。(甄嬛)
No matter how ruthless, you shouldn’t use another person’s blood to warm yourself.
上一篇:2014年网络流行语网民神翻译 下一篇:从中国梦到世界梦,翻译界担负着重要而又特殊
